Lunch and Snack Information
* Please send a small, healthy snack for your child each day, including a drink, in a labeled box or bag. We will be having a quick snack every morning. 1R is a nut-free classroom, and it is critical that your child's snack not contain nuts or nut products because we eat snack in our classroom.
* The children will be eating lunch at 12:30 PM. For lunch, you may send in your own lunch or purchase a school luck and/or milk. If you send in your child's lunch, be sure to label the bag or box with your child's name on it. Note: children can have nuts or nut products at lunch.
Be sure that your child's snack is NOT in the same container as his/her lunch. At the beginning of the day, your child will place his/her snack in the snack bin and his/her lunch in the lunch bin.
* The children will be eating lunch at 12:30 PM. For lunch, you may send in your own lunch or purchase a school luck and/or milk. If you send in your child's lunch, be sure to label the bag or box with your child's name on it. Note: children can have nuts or nut products at lunch.
Be sure that your child's snack is NOT in the same container as his/her lunch. At the beginning of the day, your child will place his/her snack in the snack bin and his/her lunch in the lunch bin.