The first graders have been working very hard to use their senses to write sensory poems about pieces of fruit. To celebrate all of their creative thinking and beautiful writing, we went on a "poetry picnic" in 1R! All of the students had the opportunity to sit on the picnic blanket and share their poem with the class. Although we did not eat the fruit, it certainly was a "delicious" way to end a fun poetry unit!
The students in 1R worked with partners to investigate and observe different pieces of fruit! The children used their senses to describe the fruit they were assigned. They recorded their observations using descriptive sensory words for their senses of sight, smell, touch, and hearing. Then, the students used these descriptive words to write a poem about their piece of fruit! In math, we have been exploring the attributes of two-dimensional figures such as circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares. We have been practicing sorting figures by size, color, and shape. We even compared and contrasted the attributes of figures using Venn Diagrams on the rug!
The first graders in 1R are not only poets, but scientists too! The boys and girls learned that poets use their five senses to write descriptive poems that paint vivid pictures for their readers. The children practiced these skills with their mystery seed plants from the fall. They recorded their observations using descriptive sensory words for their senses of sight, smell, touch, and hearing. The students shared their observations with one another, and then worked together as a class to write a sensory poem about plants!
The first graders in 1R have been learning all about poetry over the past week. We read the book "My Dog is as Smelly as Dirty Socks" by Hanoch Piven to learn about similes. The students learned that a simile is a comparison of two things that are different, using the word "like" or "as". The students were able to identify similes from a list of sentences and then create their very own similes about ice cream cones!
Last week, the "Question Queen" visited 1R and asked the students to guess the mystery object hidden inside a paper bag. Each student was given a question to ask to help the class figure out what the mystery object was. The boys and girls had to decide which "wh" question word to use at the beginning of their questions. In the end, the students were able to guess what the object was.... a toothbrush!
The students in 1R had the opportunity to create their own survey questions during math this past week. The students went around the classroom with clipboards to survey every student and teacher in the class! The first graders recorded every response in a tally chart. The students used this collection of data the following day to make bar graphs on the computer!
The first graders practiced graphing data by counting and graphing the number of gum balls in their gum ball machines! First, the students added blue, green, purple, red, yellow, and orange gum balls to their machines. Then, they counted the number of each color gum ball and completed a bar graph to represent this data. Be sure to check out the students' blogs to hear them talk about their projects.
We started to learn the GimmeFive! dance that Michelle Obama performed on the Ellen Degeneres show. We have had so much fun singing and dancing along to the song "Uptown Funk" everyday in 1R!
This week the first graders started to learn about different types of graphs in math. In one activity, they sorted connecting cubes by color to make object graphs. They placed the connecting cubes onto the graph paper to make a graph with real materials. Then, they used this data to make picture graphs by coloring in the graph paper to represent their data.