We hope you enjoy watching us practice for our Winter Wonderland presentation!
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We are reading our winter small moment stories to our families, friends and teachers. Happy Holidays from 1R!
Thanks to our amazing grant from Merck, we are able to watch the development of aphids and ladybugs right here in our classroom. Our ladybugs are now in the larva stage, and we recorded observations of both insects in our science notebooks. We also wrote many of our questions about these amazing animals that we hope to be able to answer over time.
We have first grade blogging buddies in Hong Kong! We are learning how to leave positive comments to people who we do not know in person. This is an important part of being good digital citizens. We learned how to transplant our pot-bound pumpkin plants. We are so excited to see them grow in their new, bigger homes! We were so excited to welcome Traveling Teddy to our classroom. We tracked his travels around the world prior to his arrival at Baker School. We have lots of exciting plans for his time in our classroom before we send him to his next destination. Bear ShareTraveling Teddy Practices His Colors in SPanish