1R "traveled" to the other first grade rooms to learn all about Thanksgiving. Take a look at the exciting day we had!
THe Dime1R scientists observed their pumpkin sprouts this week. We carefully drew our plants and wrote at least one observation. Then, we wrote something we were wondering about our plants. We are excited to watch their continued growth. Number LinesWe have been learning how to use number lines to help us add and subtract. We know how to code our number lines to mark the starting number, jumps, and landing number. Subtraction BowlingSubtraction practice is even more fun when you play math bowling! 1R students "bowled" and wrote the corresponding subtraction sentences.
Pumpkin Seed CountingWe helped our kindergarten Partner Pals glue sets of ten pumpkin seeds onto strips. Then, we counted together to find out how many seeds were inside our big pumpkin!
1R gardeners planted pumpkin seeds this week using the decomposed pumpkin from two years ago as fertilizer. We are excited to observe their growth over time.