First graders will be learning the Gimme Five! dance that Michelle Obama performed on the Ellen DeGeneres show recently. Click below to get a sneak peek!
1R first graders were SO excited to have Mary Foote, the director of our cafeteria here at Baker, as our Secret Reader this week! Many thanks to Mary for taking the time from her busy schedule to come and read to us.
We made airplanes with windows covered with a range of materials: tissue paper, clear plastic, wax paper, construction paper and aluminum foil. We are testing which of these materials block light, let some light through, and let all light through. If you look closely, you can see our 1R "pilots" in the cockpits of these helpful airplanes.
Brookline TAB reporter, Jenna Fisher, came to 1R to answer students' questions about the writing and editing processes. We loved learning all about being a reporter from Jenna!
We used flashlights to investigate what happens when you shine light onto different materials. We took notes to document our observations and drew labeled diagrams. At our subsequent science meeting, students discussed which of the materials would be the best choice if you wanted to block sunlight coming in through a window. We decided that of construction paper, wax paper, tissue paper, aluminum foil and clear plastic, the aluminum foil would block the light best.
We reviewed the evidence that we gathered during our investigations of why light is important and crafted a claim as a class. In a shared writing activity, the students developed a claim and then decided what evidence they gathered to help prove it.
We made nests full of birds to further explore fractions. We know that things can be divided into equal parts to make fractions, and this activity helped us learn that sets of objects can be divided into fractions as well. Be sure to check out this great work outside of our 1R classroom!
1R scientists explored the importance of light by participating in 4 investigation stations. They took notes during the process and will be using that evidence to write a claim about light.
Many thanks to this week's Secret Reader! We appreciate parents taking the time to come to 1R and read to us.
We made fraction kites and labeled each of the parts. Now they are soaring in our classroom to help us welcome spring!