We were sad to say goodbye to our incredible student teacher, Miss O'Reilly, who completed her full practicum placement in 1R. Congratulations to her as she graduates from the Graduate School of Education at Boston College. We will miss you!
We used the ELMO to share our -ai spelling pattern poem. The children did a great job highlighting all of the words that contain the -ai vowel digraph.
We are learning how to create balanced equations. We know that the equals sign means "the same as". With that in mind, the boys and girls used unifix cubes to model equivalencies such as 2+3 = 4+1.
Please enjoy listening to the cast of Bentley Bunny's Home! We were so excited to perform the second of our two reader's theatre plays, Bentley Bunny's Home, via Skype. We read for a classroom of second graders in Kansas. Our 1R performers did an amazing job!
Thank you to our Secret Reader for doing such a great job! We love having readers come to 1R each week.
Thursday was Miss Blessing's last day teaching in 1R. We made cards to thank her for doing such a great job!
We have been working on comparing numbers using the comparison symbols: greater than >, less than <, and equals =. 1R students created mini posters to share their understanding of these concepts.